Looking for a farm-to-table experience that brings fresh, seasonal vegetables to your doorstep every week? Look no further! Our monthly veg box membership offers a convenient and sustainable way to enjoy the best of the harvest. Discover the Middle World Farms difference today and join our community of veggie lovers. 

Looking for a farm-to-table experience that brings fresh, seasonal vegetables to your doorstep every week? Look no further! Our monthly veg box membership offers a convenient and sustainable way to enjoy the best of the harvest. Discover the Middle World Farms difference today and join our community of veggie lovers. 

Middle World farms Recipes board
We go out of our way to bring you fresh, so here’s a few tips on how to store your veg correctly at home
With biochar production we aim to become one of Lincolnshire’s first carbon negative company’s..
Learn about Jadam organic farming and why we use this as our core method

Better Food for everyone

Offering discounts for households on low incomes is a fantastic initiative to make better food more accessible to those who may face financial constraints. This approach ensures that everyone, regardless of their economic situation, has the opportunity to access healthier and more nutritious food options. By implementing such a policy, Middle World Farms demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and inclusivity in its mission to provide better food for everyone. This approach not only helps individuals and families in need but also contributes to building a more equitable and just food system.

If you can help by donating to help others with less income, you are making a difference in their lives and in the community. At Middle World Farms, we believe in the power of better food for everyone, regardless of their economic situation. With your generosity, we can offer discounts for households on low incomes, making nutritious and healthier food options accessible to all. Join us in our mission of social responsibility and inclusivity as we work towards building a more equitable and just food system. Let’s grow together and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Donate today and change lives.

Do you have a low income and need help with the cost of our vegetable boxes?

Please complete the form below. At Middle World Farms, we are committed to making better food accessible to everyone, regardless of their economic situation. 

Let’s Grow Together